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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results found
  • News & Media

    ICPDR Celebrates Success at Austria’s Long Night of Research

    The ICPDR looks back proudly at Austria’s Long Night of Research! Held at the Vienna International Centre on 24th May, this event invited curious minds to engage with the brilliant scientists and researchers shaping our future. Along with other Vienna-based UN organizations, the ICPDR participated in this year's Austria-wide event, which included more than 200 institutions opening their doors to the public.

  • News & Media

    New Guidance Document on Tackling Riverine Plastic Pollution

    Addressing transboundary riverine litter pollution demands a multifaceted strategy, incorporating harmonized actions, standardized measurements, advanced waste management techniques, and heightened awareness on an international scale.
    Our new publication fills a critical gap, emphasizing the need for regulatory frameworks to establish effective waste management systems and deter illegal waste disposal.

  • Publications

    Policy Guidance on Tackling Riverine Plastic Pollution in the Danube River Basin (4.72 MB)

    This gap-filling document provided a comprehensive overview of the relevant sector-specific legislation, described the institutional structure of each country and the mechanisms related to pollution.
  • Content pages


    Evidence on plastic pollution has already been gathered in both the freshwater systems and the marine environment (including the Danube and the Black Sea) over the last decades. Scientific investigations identified strong linkages between marine pollution, terrestrial areas and land-based activities. Poor waste management, everyday littering, plastic industry facilities, consuming of products of textile and cosmetic industries in households and tire abrasion pollute rivers that further discharge plastic litter into the receiving seas. While priority should be given to reducing plastic pollution at source, river clean-up actions are also highly important to eliminate plastic litter accumulation hot-spots.

  • News & Media 10 May 2023

    From the Source to the Sea: The TID(Y)UP Project Aims to Eliminate Plastic Pollution in Rivers

    Despite the EU's advanced waste management and ambitious recycling objectives, studies still indicate the presence of macro and microplastic pollution in EU rivers. The Tid(y)Up project focuses on improving water quality and reducing plastic pollution in the Tisza River, which is long considered one of Europe’s most heavily contaminated rivers.