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    Joint Danube Survey

    The key purpose of Joint Danube Surveys (JDS) is to produce reliable and comparable information on carefully selected elements of water quality for the length of the Danube River, including its major tributaries. Three Joint Danube Surveys have previously been conducted, in 2001, 2007, and 2013. The fourth of its kind, JDS4 was launched in June 2019 at sampling sites in 13 countries across the Danube River Basin.

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    European Riverprize

    The IRF European Riverprize is awarded annually since 2013 to reward best practice river basin management from the Urals to the Atlantic. The award was launched in a partnership between the ICPDR, the Coca-Cola Compay, the International River Foundation (IRF) and the European Center for River Restoration.

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    Heads of all Delegations (HODs)

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    Climate Change Adaptation

    Climate change poses a serious threat to our ability to manage our water resources in the Danube River Basin. In response, the ICPDR updated its Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change in 2018 based on the most recent research in the field.

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    Climate Change Conference: Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change

    On 3 December 2007, a Conference on the Adaptation of Water Management to the Effects of Climate Change in the Danube region took place in Vienna.
    The goal was to discuss the expected effects of climate change on the water cycle, such as enhanced droughts and floods, and how the related challenges can be met for the sake of nature and people.

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    Joint Danube Survey 2

    JDS 2, the world's biggest river research expedition, was held in 2007. Its goal was to produce comparable and reliable information on water quality and pollution for the Danube and some tributaries. The ICPDR coordinated its implementation. Launched on August 14, 2007 in Germany, three JDS2 boats traveled downstream the Danube, through 10 countries, to the Danube Delta.

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    TISAR project 2007 - Development of Tisza River Basin Management Plan

    Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia and Hungary share the responsibility for the Tisza river basin and undertook jointly activities towards the implementation of the EU Water Freamwork Directive and the EU Flood Directive. These efforts were supported by the European Union in the frame of the TISAR 2007 and led to good results.

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    Joint Statement: Navigation & Environment

    In October 2007, a "Joint Statement on Inland Navigation and Environmental Sustainability in the Danube River Basin" was concluded and very positively received by stakeholders. In the years that followed, the responsible government authorities and interest groups met again to discuss the progress achieved so far and how to improve the application of the Joint Statement in waterway projects. These meetings continue.