
Publications, documents and all other content

Displaying 21 - 30 of 1339 items
  • News & Media

    The new Danube Watch Newsletter has been launched!

    The ICPDR is excited to announce the launch of our digital newsletter, "Danube Watch", marking a new era in our ongoing commitment to the Danube River Basin. This newsletter, scheduled to reach your inbox up to four times a year, is your portal to the latest stories and updates from the vibrant world of the Danube.

  • Publications

    TNMN Yearbook 2021 (4.45 MB)

  • Publications

    TNMN Yearbook 2021 Annex (394.32 KB)

  • News & Media

    Danube Art Master Competition 2023: International Winners Announced

    VIENNA, 14th December 2023 (Press Release) – The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) proudly announced the winners of this year's Danube Art Master competition during its 26th Ordinary Meeting in Vienna. An award ceremony was held to honour the international winners in each competition category. The announcement was made by Susanne Brandstetter, Chairperson of the ICPDR's Public Participation Expert Group.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR publishes a technical report on accidental pollution hazard

    Presenting the latest in hazard and risk assessments, the ICPDR Technical Report on Accidental Pollution Hazards provides an in-depth analysis of accidental pollution. It highlights updated inventories for Accident Hazard Sites (AHS) and Tailings Management Facilities (TMF), employing advanced methodologies like the Water Hazard Index and Tailings Risk Index. Focusing on the most hazardous sites, the report also offers key recommendations for sustainable pollution prevention

  • Publications

    Accidental Pollution Hazard in the Danube River Basin (Final Report) (1.69 MB)

    This technical report presents the results of the latest hazard and risk assessments regarding accidental pollution based on currently updated inventories, providing full technical information on...
  • News & Media

    The Danube Wild Island Habitat Corridor is getting a makeover thanks to the LIFE WILDisland project

    The project involves 15 partners from 8 countries and aims to restore and conserve 34 islands from Germany to Romania. With the support of the EU Commission, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, and the Ramsar Convention, the LIFE WILDisland project is set to become a great example of transboundary cooperation.

  • News & Media

    Successful Biannual Danube Forecasting Forum (DAFF) Enhances Flood Forecasting

    On October 10th and 11th, the much-anticipated biannual Danube Forecasting Forum (DAFF) took place in Budapest, Hungary. Organized in collaboration with the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and the EU Joint Research Center (EU JRC), this event brought together stakeholders from the 13 countries along the Danube and members of the Danube Youth Council (DYC) under EUSDR PA5.

  • Publications

    Water Tips Fact sheet (14.66 MB)

    Water is our most precious resource – and its protection is in our hands. Even minor changes in our daily routines can greatly impact water conservation. Explore "The Best Tips for Protecting Water"...
  • Publications

    Danube in Your Pocket (20.83 MB)

    Discover the remarkable diversity of life that thrives within the Danube River Basin through our captivating map. Designed to engage and educate the general public, our map showcases the extraordinary...