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Displaying 21 - 30 of 359 results found
  • News & Media

    Statement by the ICPDR on the Situation Around Ukrainian Ports on the Lower Danube

    VIENNA, 29 August (ICPDR) – The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) is committed to maintaining and preserving the cleanliness, health, and safety of the Danube River Basin.

  • Content pages

    Our Topics

    In the Danube River Basin, five main pressures that affect water status: organic substance pollution, nutrient pollution, hazardous substance pollution, hydromorphological alterations and effects of climate change (drought, water scarcity, extreme hydrological phenomena and other impacts), have been identified as Significant Water Management Issues (SWMIs). The groundwater quantity and quality are also under constant pressure.

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  • Content pages

    Task Groups

    Task Groups (TGs) comprise national experts from ICPDR Contracting Parties and representatives of observer organizations. More topical than the Expert Groups of the ICPDR, Task Groups report to the Expert Groups and thereby make valuable contributions to the work of the ICPDR.

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    ICPDR Presidency

    In the most international river basin in the world, Danube leaders recognize that they hold the future of the basin’s waters in their hands. The ICPDR is a worldwide model for cooperation in river basin management, and the role of the Danube countries as guardians of the precious resources of the river basin is always at the heart of the ICPDR’s work.

  • Content pages

    Keeper of the Danube

    Welcome to the ICPDR! With more than 800,000 square kilometers, the Danube River Basin extends into the territories of 19 countries, and covers 10% of Continental Europe it is considered the most international river basin in the World!

  • Legal Documents

    ToR APC EG (333.14 KB)

    Terms of Reference of the Accident Prevention and Control Expert Group (APC EG), IC-163 rev1-final 2016
  • News & Media 10 May 2023

    From the Source to the Sea: The TID(Y)UP Project Aims to Eliminate Plastic Pollution in Rivers

    Despite the EU's advanced waste management and ambitious recycling objectives, studies still indicate the presence of macro and microplastic pollution in EU rivers. The Tid(y)Up project focuses on improving water quality and reducing plastic pollution in the Tisza River, which is long considered one of Europe’s most heavily contaminated rivers.

  • Content pages


    Rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters, as well as groundwater, are vital natural resources. A significant proportion of water resources are exposed to environmental pollution or other potentially damaging pressures. Protecting and improving the waters of the Danube River Basin is therefore essential for the natural environment, the sustainable development of the region and the long-term health, well-being, and prosperity of the population.

  • News & Media 1 March 2023

    ICPDR Executive Secretary Continues her Tour of the Danube with Slovenian Visit

    With the start of her tenure as our Executive Secretary last summer, Birgit Vogel has set out to prioritize building solid professional relationships with ICPDR stakeholders and members, planning to personally visit as many Danube countries as possible. Ms. Vogel met with Uroš Brežan. Slovenian Water Minister, and a broad range of water actors on her latest visit to Slovenia.