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Displaying 1 - 10 of 29 results found
  • Content pages

    Public Participation on SWMIs for 2015 Management Plans: National Level

    The countries of the ICPDR provide interim overviews on Significant Water Management Issues in the Danube River Basin District for national River Basin Management Plans which are currently developed until 2015. The countries invite the public to comment on this important step 22nd June 2014. Here, we proivde links to national websites with further information.

  • News & Media 17 December 2013

    Public Participation: Interim Overview on Significant Water Management Issues

    Vienna, 17 Dec 2013. The ICPDR provides an interim overview on Significant Water Management Issues in the Danube River Basin District for the 2nd Danube River Basin Management Plan (2nd DRBMP) and invites the public to comment on this document until June 2014.

  • Publications

    Interim Overview Significant Water Management Issues in DRBD (527.76 KB)

  • News & Media

    Sturgeon 2020 published in print

    Bucharest, 28 Oct 2013. The "Sturgeon 2020", a strategy and program for the protection and rehabilitation of the Danube sturgeons, was published by the Danube Sturgeon Task Force.

  • Sturgeon 2020 (581.02 KB)

    A program for protection and rehabilitation of Danube sturgeons - by the Danube Sturgeon Task Force
  • News & Media

    Croatia is Danube Art Master 2013

    Budapest, 9 October 2013. Croatian children have won the “International Danube Art Master 2013” competition, as the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe announced today at the Budapest Water Summit.

  • Content pages

    Danube FloodRisk Project

    The overall objective of the Danube FLOODRISK project was to develop and produce high quality, stakeholder oriented flood hazard and flood risk maps for the transnational Danube river floodplains to provide adequate risk information for spatial planning and economic development activities.

  • Publications

    Finding financing: funding options for the Joint Programme of Measures

  • News & Media JDS3 Website online

    Vienna, 12 July 2013. The official website of the Joint Danube Survey 3 is online: at, you can find information on the survey, public events and updates from the ships.

  • News & Media 26 June 2013

    DD 2013: Get active for the sturgeons!

    Danube Basin, 29 June 2013. Activities for kids, tours with wildlife guides, open days at water research facilities: Danube Day is colourful and diverse. On June 29, you can join tens of thousands of people throughout the Danube River Basin and celebrate the most successful river festival in the world.