News & Media

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 items
  • News & Media JDS3 Website online

    Vienna, 12 July 2013. The official website of the Joint Danube Survey 3 is online: at, you can find information on the survey, public events and updates from the ships.

  • News & Media

    Guiding Principles on Hydropower adopted

    Sarajevo, 19 June 2013. As an essential step in maintaining a dialogue with the hydropower sector, the ICPDR's Standing Working Group has adopted the "Guiding Principles on Sustainable Hydropower Development in the Danube Basin". The document is available for download here.

  • News & Media

    Sava Day 2013

    Sava Basin, 1 June 2013. The International Sava Day is celebrated today in the Sava sub-basin, opening June as the "month of rivers". Events will be organised in all countries of the Sava Basin and will range from cycling tours to the Sava Youth Parliament and other educational events.

  • News & Media

    Biodiversity Day 2013: Environmental education by Danubeparks

    Danube Basin, 22 May 2013. With approximately 5000 native animal and 2000 plant species, the Danube River Basin is an important element in preserving biodiversity in Europe. To improve this further, educational activities are key. The Danubeparks network is now launching a new initiative in this field.