News & Media

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  • News & Media

    (Press Release) Danube Art Master Competition 2020: Winners announced

    VIENNA, 16th December 2020 – The environmental Art competition, “Danube Art Master” is delighted to have received a surprisingly large number of artworks submitted in 2020, despite taking place under truly exceptional circumstances.

  • News & Media

    (Press Release) Danube Day 2020: “Discover Danube!”

    Vienna, 29th June 2020 - Danube Day 2020 will be moving online this year, due to the uncertainty, necessary border-closures, and quarantine measures stemming from the global COVID-19 pandemic. Under normal circumstances, on 29th June we invite more than eighty million people in the14 Danube countries to celebrate Danube Day, and learn and experience the waters of the world’s most international river basin.

  • News & Media

    Romanian Students Win Art Master 2006

    Vienna, 11 December 2006. “Two young Romanians have won the ‘International Danube Art Master 2006’ competition, for their creation titled ‘The Danube Flows Through Us’’, announced Philip Weller, Executive Secretary of the ICPDR today. Mr. Weller made the announcement at the Annual Meeting of the Delegations to the ICPDR being held at the Vienna International Centre.

  • News & Media

    Danube Day 2006 celebrated by thirteen countries

    Danube Basin, 29 June 2006. A series of events have been planned for the celebration of the third Danube Day, 29 June, to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the Danube River Protection Convention in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1994. Danube Day 2006 follows the slogan DANUBE: RIVER OF LIFE.