News & Media

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  • News & Media

    (Press Release) Danube Day 2020: “Discover Danube!”

    Vienna, 29th June 2020 - Danube Day 2020 will be moving online this year, due to the uncertainty, necessary border-closures, and quarantine measures stemming from the global COVID-19 pandemic. Under normal circumstances, on 29th June we invite more than eighty million people in the14 Danube countries to celebrate Danube Day, and learn and experience the waters of the world’s most international river basin.

  • News & Media

    Joint Danube Survey Video

    Joint Danube Survey, 12 August - 20 September 2001, © 2002 ICPDR, Length: 19 min. 51 sec.

  • News & Media

    Germany wins International Danube Art Master Competition

    Vienna, 14 October 2005. ICPDR President 2005 István Őri announced the winner of the International Danube Art Master Competition in Budapest: A German School (6 A, Secondary School "Auf der Schanz") wins the competition, which made part of the Danube Day celebrations 2005. As in 2004, this competition was carried out jointly by the ICPDR and the Danube Environmental Forum in all 13 Danube countries.