Sava River Basin Management Plan - Public Consultation
Zagreb, 9 January 2012. The draft Sava River Basin Management Plan (Sava RBMP) is available for public consultation until 21 April 2012. The Sava Commission has set up a website that offers a possibility to the public to respond to the consultation online, by submitting comments or suggestions in a form provided online.

The public can help in creating an effective and achievable Sava River Basin Management Plan by responding to this consultation, and giving suggestions or comments.
The Sava Commission will use comments to help revise the draft Plan. The commission will publish a response document at after the consultation period expires to show how comments are taken into account.
Contributors will be able to get a good understanding of what is identified and proposed for the Sava River Basin simply by reading the main document, annexes as well as by consulting the prepared maps. Contributors are recommended to look at information in the background papers before comments are submitted.
The consultation form can be found here: