News & Media

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 items
  • News & Media

    Croatia is Danube Art Master 2013

    Budapest, 9 October 2013. Croatian children have won the “International Danube Art Master 2013” competition, as the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe announced today at the Budapest Water Summit.

  • News & Media 25 September 2013

    Budapest Water Summit

    Budapest, 8-11 October 2013. The Budapest Water Summit will be held in the Hungarian capital between 8 and 11 October 2013. The summit, organised by the Hungarian government in cooperation with the UN System and the World Water Council, will be one of the major events of the year relating to water and sanitation.

  • News & Media

    2nd Annual Forum for EU Danube Strategy

    Bucharest, 28/29 October 2013. The Second Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), jointly organised between the Government of Romania and the European Commission, will take place at the International Conference Centre/Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, Romania, on 28-29 October 2013.

  • News & Media

    River Rhine wins first European Riverprize

    Vienna, 12 September 2013. In cooperation with ICPDR and Coca-Cola Europe, the International RiverFoundation has awarded the inaugural IRF European Riverprize to the River Rhine. The award is endowed with 25,000 EUR and additional support of twinning activities.