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Displaying 1 - 10 of 22 results found
  • News & Media

    Slovenia's Flood Forecasting Success: Minimizing Casualties Through Effective Warning Systems

    In the wake of what has been declared the nation's 'worst-ever natural disaster,’ more than 70% of Slovenia's territory, predominantly situated in the Danube River Basin, has been severely affected by extreme flooding. The scale of this catastrophe has led to billions of Euros in damages and a tragic loss of lives.

  • Content pages

    Receiving Sea: Black Sea

    The Danube River flows into the Black Sea at the Danube Delta, making the Black Sea the receiving sea for the Danube's water. A receiving sea refers to the body of water into which a river or other watercourse empties its flow. In this context, the Black Sea serves as the final destination for the waters of the Danube River.

  • News & Media

    Sold out film premiere of the “2467 km - A Journey to the Black Sea” attracts almost 400 guests in Munich

    On Thursday, 8 February 2018 in Munich (Germany), The Pure Water for Generations-film project of Pascal Rösler, a SUP-Paddler ICPDR friend and water advocate, was met with a resounding positive response from the audience at the premiere. Among the attendees were, Ulrike Scharf, Minister of the Environment and ICPDR Executive Secretary Ivan Zavadksy.

  • News & Media

    The frail angels of the Black Sea

    In the framework of the joint EU and UNDP project -“Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea – Phase II” (EMBLAS) new opportunities for public monitoring of the Black Sea coastal status using so called “ecological sentinels” are developed.

  • News & Media 23 April 2012

    20 Years of Black Sea Protection Convention

    Istanbul, 21 April 2012. The Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention) celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Since the signing in Bucharest, the Convention has become a powerful instrument of International Environmental Law in the Black Sea Basin.

  • News & Media 16 April 2012

    ICPDR and ICPBS: Joint responsibilities for water reinforced

    Istanbul, 12 April 2012. At a meeting on 12 April 2012, representatives of the ICPDR and the International Black Sea Protection Commission expressed their understanding of joint responsibility for the management of water. As the main tributary to the Black Sea, the water quality of the Danube is directly linked to sensitive environment of the Black Sea.

  • Facts and Figures: Slovenia (126.3 KB)

  • Publications

    Looking into the future of the Black Sea

  • Publications

    Setting sail: Slovenia, the Danube and the EU Presidency

    ICPDR Danube Watch: Youth parliaments held in Moldova go to the source

  • Publications

    Recovery is on the horizon for the Black Sea

    ICPDR Danube Watch: Searching for heavy metals behind the Iron Gates