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    North Macedonia

    North Macedonia, officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a landlocked country in Southeast Europe. Its terrain is mostly rugged, located between the Šar Mountains and Osogovo, which frame the valley of the Vardar River. Three large lakes - Lake Ohrid, Lake Prespa, and Dojran Lake - lie on the southern borders, bisected by the frontiers with Albania and Greece. Ohrid is considered one of the world's oldest lakes and biotopes.

  • Montenegro Facts & Figures (140.75 KB)

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    Montenegro, literally meaning the “black mountain”, is a small upland country. Just over half of its territory lies within the Danube River Basin, the remainder being in the Adriatic Sea catchment. Notable Danube rivers are the Tara, Piva, Lim and Ćehotina and the Ibar. In October 2008, the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River came into force in Montenegro.

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    Sava River Basin Overview Map (1.55 MB)

    Sub-river Basin of the Danube River Basin District, January 2006
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    Sava Basin

    The Sava is the Danube's largest tributary of the Danube in terms of discharge and the second largest in terms of catchment area. The Sava is shared by Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. The joint management arrangements acted as a pilot for the implementation of the European Union's Water Framework Directive for the Danube and Europe.