
Maps & Data

This page is dedicated to maps produced by the ICPDR.

The Danube River Basin covers 10% of Continental Europe and is home to over 80 million people speaking 17 official languages. The main river, the Danube, flows through ten countries while the full basin including its tributaries covers nine more, making the Danube the most international river in the world. It is a unique artery through the heart of Europe, connecting East to West and Black Forest to Black Sea, and strengthening an often-overlooked shared cultural heritage for millions of Europeans.

A wide variety of information can be visualised in an easily consumable manner in map form.

As a tool for the ICPDR and its stakeholders, maps are immutably valuable assets that quickly highlight the transboundary nature of Danube concerns. In line with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), we seek to pursue three ‘pillars of action’ to improve the lives of citizens in the Danube River Basin (DRB):

  • “Cleaner” water
  •  A “Healthier” home for aquatic animals and plants
  •  A “Safer” environment for people to live without the fear of floods

Note that maps of monitoring stations can also be found in the TNMN Yearbooks.

The following sets of thematic maps are available: