News & Media

Displaying 31 - 37 of 37 items
  • News & Media 27 January 2009

    Press Release 2009-01-27 (slovak) (126.46 KB)

    Slovensko preberá predsedníctvo v Medzinárodnej komisii pre ochranu Dunaja (ICPDR)
  • News & Media 27 January 2009

    Press Release 2009-01-27 (english) (103.78 KB)

    Slovakia Takes over Presidency of International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)
  • News & Media

    Slovakia Takes over Presidency of ICPDR

    Vienna, 27 January 2009. Slovakia takes over the Presidency of the ICPDR for the year 2009 at a ceremony held today. Olga Srsnova, General Director of the Division of Waters and Energy Sources at the Slovak Ministry of Environment will serve as President and guide the activities of the ICPDR. “During my presidency, I am committed to promoting development that meets the needs of both the people and the environment”, said Ms. Srsnova.

  • News & Media

    New `Drava Declaration´ Signed

    Maribor, 24 September 2008. A “Declaration concerning common approaches to water management, flood protection, hydropower utilization and nature and biodiversity conservation in the Drava River Basin” was adopted by Participants at the “Drava River Vision Symposium” in Maribor, Slovenia.

  • News & Media

    Serbia Takes Over Presidency of the ICPDR

    Vienna, 21 January 2008 – Serbia today took over the Presidency of the ICPDR for the year 2008. The handover was made during an official ceremony hosted by the outgoing Presidency, Romania, at the premises of the Permanent Mission of Romania in Vienna, Austria. The Minister for Environmental Protection of Serbia, Saša Dragin, will serve as ICPDR President and guide its activities in 2008.

  • News & Media

    Tisza River Basin a European Model for Ministerial Action

    Belgrade, 11 October 2007 - The five ministers responsible for water management in Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia announced their support for actions protecting the Tisza River Basin from pollution, floods and drought. The announcement was made at a 14:00 press conference today during the second day of the Sixth ‘Environment for Europe Conference’ in Belgrade, Serbia.

  • News & Media

    Romania to Take Over Presidency

    Vienna, 19 January 2007. Romania will take over the Presidency of the ICPDR for the year 2007, on Monday, 22 January. The handover will take place at an official ceremony hosted by the outgoing Presidency, Moldova, at the Palais Pallavicini in Vienna, Austria, at 1700 hours. State Secretary of Environment and Water Management of Romania, Lucia Varga, will serve as President during 2007 and will guide the activities of ICPDR.