News & Media

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 items
  • News & Media

    METEET initiative: First workshop on the Integrated Planning of Inland Waterways Transport Projects hailed a success

    The Croatian Agency for Inland Waterways in Vukovar hosted a two-day workshop on 28-29th September 2017 with the Mixed Environment Transport External Expert Team (METEET). The objective: to enhance the integrated planning of inland waterways transport (IWT) projects.

  • News & Media

    The frail angels of the Black Sea

    In the framework of the joint EU and UNDP project -“Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea – Phase II” (EMBLAS) new opportunities for public monitoring of the Black Sea coastal status using so called “ecological sentinels” are developed.

  • News & Media

    Solutions for a frozen river: cross border ice control on the Danube

    Ice control has a long history on the Danube river. The extremely low temperatures experienced in the past weeks throughout the Danube River basin which have been causing continuous ice formation on the Danube are reminding us of the importance of cross-border cooperation.