News & Media

Displaying 1 - 10 of 15 items
  • News & Media

    (Press Release) World Water Day 2022: Celebrating the groundwater of our shared basin

    VIENNA, 22 March – World Water Day 2022 is focusing on groundwater and making the invisible visible.

  • News & Media

    (Press Release) Danube Art Master Competition 2021: International Winners announced

    VIENNA, 15 March 2021 – The environmental art competition, “Danube Art Master” is delighted to have received a surprisingly large number of artworks submitted in 2021, despite taking place under truly exceptional circumstances. This year's international winners were announced at an online ceremony last week.

  • News & Media

    Birgit Vogel Announced As New ICPDR Executive Secretary

    8th March 2022, VIENNA – The ICPDR has announced Birgit Vogel as its new Executive Secretary. Ms. Vogel will be taking on the role later this year following the retirement of Ivan Zavadsky after nearly a decade in the role.

  • News & Media

    New Designs & Summary Brochures for the ICPDR's Two Management Plan Updates

    Following the publication of the ICPDR's Danube River Basin Management Plan (DRBMP) & Danube Flood Risk Management Plan (DFRMP) Update 2021, and their endorsement at the 4th Danube Ministerial Meeting, these important publications have been given a new and fresh look and summarised into two brochures.

  • News & Media

    How the Danube meets the Elbe: SedNet-ICPDR-ICPER Round Table event in November

    Sediment Management is an essential element of River Basin Management Plans. Sediment is an essential, integral and dynamic part of our river basins. Where human activities interfere with sediment quantity or quality, sediment management becomes necessary. the European Sediment Network (SedNet), aims at providing scientific and user oriented input into the WFD implementation phase and organised its third Round Table in cooperation with the ICPDR and the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR also celebrates 20 years National Park Donauauen

    On 27 October 2016, the Donauauen National Park celebrated 20 years of existence. ICPDR Executive Secretary Ivan Zavadksy addressed in his keynote speech the parallels that can be drawn between the creation of the ICPDR and that of Danube Parks - both results of environmental awareness-raising following the fall of the iron curtain and both institutions to be considered as “agents of change”.

  • News & Media

    Wild rehabilitation for young sterlets in the Danube

    On 23 September 2016, the opening ceremony of the hatchery station of the EU project LIFE Sterlet was held on the Danube Island in Vienna.
    The ICPDR has been one of the first organisations to advocate the protection of this flagship species, raise awareness for the threat to see Danube sturgeons become totally extinct and support projects and initiatives such as LIFE Sterlet.

  • News & Media

    Danube Day 2016: Get active!

    Danube Basin, 29 June 2016. Creative events for children, behind-the-scenes tours in water management institutes, field visits in nature reserves: Danube Day reflects the diversity of the Danube River Basin. Join tens of thousands of people in 14 countries to celebrate the biggest river festival in the world.

  • News & Media

    1500 organisations celebrate World Fish Migration Day

    Danube Basin, 21 May 2016. World Fish Migration Day (WFMD) is held on May 21 and will bring together more than 1,500 organizations, featuring more than 350 events worldwide.

  • News & Media

    Voice of the Danube's Future

    A video showing highlights from 10 years of the international Danube Art Master competition. Premiered at the 3rd ICPDR Ministerial Meeting, it put the spotlight on the youth of the Danube Basin to address the ministers with their wishes for the Danube's future.