
This page lists all news items that were published on the front page. For further information on any of these news items, please contact the ICPDR Secretariat.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 15 items
  • News & Media

    The Danube Wild Island Habitat Corridor is getting a makeover thanks to the LIFE WILDisland project

    The project involves 15 partners from 8 countries and aims to restore and conserve 34 islands from Germany to Romania. With the support of the EU Commission, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, and the Ramsar Convention, the LIFE WILDisland project is set to become a great example of transboundary cooperation.

  • News & Media

    Slovenia's Flood Forecasting Success: Minimizing Casualties Through Effective Warning Systems

    In the wake of what has been declared the nation's 'worst-ever natural disaster,’ more than 70% of Slovenia's territory, predominantly situated in the Danube River Basin, has been severely affected by extreme flooding. The scale of this catastrophe has led to billions of Euros in damages and a tragic loss of lives.

  • News & Media 22 February 2023

    Serbia takes over ICPDR Presidency from Romania for 2023

    (Press Release) VIENNA, 28 February (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River) – Serbia has now taken over the Presidency of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and has announced its priorities for the upcoming term. Incoming President Vedrana Ilić who is Serbia’s Assistant Minister responsible for international relations at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, presented Serbia’s goals hopes for its tenure, during an online ceremony.

  • News & Media

    New Study Shows Restored Floodplains Can Remove Significant Amounts of Nitrate Pollution in the Danube River Basin

    A recent large-scale modelling study has shown that restoring floodplains and reconnecting cut-off water bodies with the Danube River, and its tributaries could play a significant role in improving water quality and removing nitrate pollution in the Danube River Basin.

  • News & Media

    How do you take a scientific selfie of an International River? ICPDR Participates at Austria-wide Long Night of Research

    On 20th May 2022, the ICPDR along with other UN-based organizations, including CTBTO, IAEA, IOM, UNIDO, UNODA and UNODC, participated in this year’s “Long Night of Research” (“Lange Nacht der Forschung”) Austria’s biggest science event for the public.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR's We Pass Project Holds its 1st Stakeholder Workshop

    On Thursday 12 December 2019, We Pass – an EU-funded project with the ICPDR aiming to facilitate fish migration and habitat conservation in the Danube River Basin – held its first stakeholder workshop on the banks of the Danube River in Vienna, Austria.

  • News & Media

    Restoring fish migration routes in the Danube River Basin - Feasibility study on Iron Gate dams commissioned to explore joint solutions

    The signing of the grant agreement between the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and DG REGIO will enable a feasibility study that aims to identify ways forward to preserve of fish stocks at the Romanian-Serbian border. This action is an important step in the ongoing efforts to achieve a central objective of the EU Strategy for the Danube River: saving the Danube sturgeons from extinction. Despite its longevity, this “dinosaur fish” is considered one of the most endangered species in the world.

  • News & Media

    DANUBE FLOODPLAIN kicks-off in Budapest

    Budapest, 2 October 2018 (Press Release) - DANUBE FLOODPLAIN project kick-off meeting sets the stage for 30 months of intense transnational cooperation across the Danube river basin.

  • News & Media

    High Level Conference for the Protection of Sturgeons hosted under the Austrian Presidency of the EU

    Vienna, 10 July 2018 (Press Release) - An international event took place on 9th and 10th July in Vienna within the framework of the Austrian Presidency of the EU. In attendance were 50 experts from national administrations, EU and international institutions, academia and NGO representatives, who can all potentially provide the long-term framework of action indispensable for the conservation of sturgeon stocks in Europe.

  • News & Media 18 August 2014

    Donors conference for Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina: “Rebuilding Together”

    Brussels, 16 July 2014. An international donors conference raised millions in support of flood victims in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. High-level speakers including French minister of foreign affairs Laurent Fabius also underlined the importance of river basin management and the role of ICPDR and ISRBC.