
This page lists all news items that were published on the front page. For further information on any of these news items, please contact the ICPDR Secretariat.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 items
  • News & Media

    Workshop seeks to close science-policy gap in water management

    Vienna, 7 April 2016. In the frame of the MARS project, a group of 60 river basin managers, Water Framework Directive officials, European Environment Agency representatives, external experts and MARS aquatic scientists met to discuss the key challenges for freshwater management and policy across Europe.

  • News & Media

    Czech Republic takes over ICPDR Presidency 2016

    Vienna, 25 January 2016. Peter J. Kalas of the Czech Republic is ICPDR President 2016. He took over from Croatia’s Drazen Kurecic in a meeting and ceremony in Vienna today.

  • News & Media

    3rd ICPDR Ministerial Meeting 2016

    Vienna, 9 February 2016. Cleaner, healthier and safer waters for everyone to enjoy - this is the objective of two management plans for the Danube River Basin that were endorsed in Vienna today. The management plans foresee measures that will be implemented over a six-year period until 2021.