
This page lists all news items that were published on the front page. For further information on any of these news items, please contact the ICPDR Secretariat.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 items
  • News & Media

    Restoring fish migration routes in the Danube River Basin - Feasibility study on Iron Gate dams commissioned to explore joint solutions

    The signing of the grant agreement between the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and DG REGIO will enable a feasibility study that aims to identify ways forward to preserve of fish stocks at the Romanian-Serbian border. This action is an important step in the ongoing efforts to achieve a central objective of the EU Strategy for the Danube River: saving the Danube sturgeons from extinction. Despite its longevity, this “dinosaur fish” is considered one of the most endangered species in the world.

  • News & Media

    DANUBE FLOODPLAIN kicks-off in Budapest

    Budapest, 2 October 2018 (Press Release) - DANUBE FLOODPLAIN project kick-off meeting sets the stage for 30 months of intense transnational cooperation across the Danube river basin.

  • News & Media

    Massive floods in summer 2010

    Danube Basin, 1 September 2010. This summer, the Danube basin was repeatedly deluged by torrential rains causing massive floods. Across the basin people were forced from their homes, and many houses collapsed or were damaged due to floods or landslides after flood events. The ICPDR is actively working on flood management issues. You can find out more on its activities on this website - please following the links listed.