
This page lists all news items that were published on the front page. For further information on any of these news items, please contact the ICPDR Secretariat.

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • News & Media

    International Black Sea Action Day

    Samsun, 30 October 2009. International Black Sea Action Day will be celebrated on October 30-31 in Samsun, Turkey, with activities jointly organized by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forest and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission). Within this context, a two-day workshop is being organized where the threats facing the sea, efforts to cope with these threats in various fields and the current situation of the Black Sea will be discussed.

  • News & Media

    Slovakia Takes over Presidency of ICPDR

    Vienna, 27 January 2009. Slovakia takes over the Presidency of the ICPDR for the year 2009 at a ceremony held today. Olga Srsnova, General Director of the Division of Waters and Energy Sources at the Slovak Ministry of Environment will serve as President and guide the activities of the ICPDR. “During my presidency, I am committed to promoting development that meets the needs of both the people and the environment”, said Ms. Srsnova.